I also enjoyed making an educational imovie video. I was able to incorporate videos clips that I shot, images from the web and my camera, add texts to images, add music and various sound effects, place transitions between pics and video, not to mention how to create a Youtube account so that I could upload the video for many people to see. I think that using videos to teach lesson in your classroom can be more beneficial to powerpoints and slideshows. By using videos you can do hand-ons examples of actvites, take your students to the exact place you may be talking about, and so much more. They can also be created with extreme diversity depending on the content matter. For example, my video was on rowing and the program here at the University of Kansas. My video was educational with a bit of a sports twist, while my classmates did videos on signing the alphabet, the civil war, things to do in Lawrence, KS, and a varitey of other topics. I feel like videos can be created to be entertaining and informational which will help hold the attention of your students and help with their comprehension. Creating videos is something that I will definitely use in my future classroom not only for instructional purposes on my part, but as projects/assignments for my students!