The first assingment we has was to create a personal website through the use of iWeb and then publishing it to the web through CyberDuck. At first I thought that the whole thing would be very overwhelming, but as it turns out I really liked it. I tihink that using iWeb is part of the reason this assignment was fun and not as difficult as I anticipated. Infact it made me want a Mac when I begin teaching. I think that knowing how to create a website for my classroom will be something that my students and parents can get a lot out of. I can have a classroom site where students parents and even extended family can see what we are working on in class and things that we have already completed. I might even consider having students hand in virtual assigments much like we do in C&T 301 that way they have a way to reference back to them, and to see all the things that they have accomplished. It is also something that I would like to hook my collegues on. I have already shown some of my other friends in the School of Ed program and they seem to have positive feedback and want to learn how to create the same sort of thing. Overall this was my favorite assignment and I hope to be able to use it as planned in my future classroom.
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