Thursday, September 27, 2012

I see you!

As I sit writing having a stare down with the papers I need to grade I have decided to turn my swivel moment... there much better. Ahhh now on to bigger things than children's futures, writing an effective blog post. I'm not quite sure what has caused it but the whole week has seemed like Friday. It is like the kids have been poorly behaved. I think perhaps it's been due to school picture day (yes, I still had to take one), hands on science lessons, meetings before school, professional development after school, meeting during my plan time, extra recess, happy kids, crying kids, and kids being kids. I could say the best part has been the birthday treats brought to me from former students, but that wouldn't be completely true. While they were delicious, yesterday brought me something better.

    When I was taking a student their lunch box after school a group of students started talking to me. If the midst of it all one of the other third grade students runs up to me, gives a big hug, and says "What's up Ms. Honey?" All the other kids wanted to know who Ms. Honey was. He proceeds to say, "My girlfriend. How ya doing Honey?" I wish I could pretend that I held it together, but I didn't. I laughed, which only encourages the behavior, and then went into my room. I know that my life is getting sad when I no longer have good comebacks for students that are eights and nine years old. Or that pedophilia is my only current prospect for a man piece.

    Tomorrow we have a parade which still involves collecting candy. We shall see how many kids kill each other. I think I can already feel the tension rising. If they only knew someday they will have to work even harder if they want to relieve themselves of that Snickers!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wait...Time Goes How Fast?!?!?!

I fear I have allowed myself to stray from my blogging and frankly I am slightly ashamed of myself. Especially at the rate that I am already forgetting things; if I don't find someway to document them...POOF! Let's put it this way. I have decided to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get back int he Saddle (Pun moderately intended). Since I last wrote some umph ten months ago I have become a bonafide teacher. Makes me giggle slightly when I think they bestowed a set of keys, for a public service building,  24 years young fresh out of school hopeful. The thing that makes it more ironic is they actually KNEW me before hiring. Oh well, I guess we all make the best mistakes of our lives. Overall, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by the people I work with. They are extremely educated, dedicated, and helpful. As I have jumped the river into the "Real Adult World" there are some things I have discovered.

* Choosing insurance of any kind will never be easy and there is most likely always a catch.
* Your paycheck will never amount to what you hope that it will (rascally taxes).
* You can still find ways to cover up unwashed hair
* Taking a vacation is much more exciting minus the paying for it part
and finally:

* If you have chosen what you love to do and give it all the energy you can spare, you will wake up everyday with passion and purpose.