Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wait...Time Goes How Fast?!?!?!

I fear I have allowed myself to stray from my blogging and frankly I am slightly ashamed of myself. Especially at the rate that I am already forgetting things; if I don't find someway to document them...POOF! Let's put it this way. I have decided to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get back int he Saddle (Pun moderately intended). Since I last wrote some umph ten months ago I have become a bonafide teacher. Makes me giggle slightly when I think they bestowed a set of keys, for a public service building,  24 years young fresh out of school hopeful. The thing that makes it more ironic is they actually KNEW me before hiring. Oh well, I guess we all make the best mistakes of our lives. Overall, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by the people I work with. They are extremely educated, dedicated, and helpful. As I have jumped the river into the "Real Adult World" there are some things I have discovered.

* Choosing insurance of any kind will never be easy and there is most likely always a catch.
* Your paycheck will never amount to what you hope that it will (rascally taxes).
* You can still find ways to cover up unwashed hair
* Taking a vacation is much more exciting minus the paying for it part
and finally:

* If you have chosen what you love to do and give it all the energy you can spare, you will wake up everyday with passion and purpose.

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