Monday, August 29, 2011

Fitting In: Real or Imagining?

Pleased to inform that things are going pretty well. Friday was the first JEANS FRIDAY...I never realized the torture my teachers were living in the other four days of the week. A group of students decided to include me in their poll and inform the class I am the biggest kid in the class. At least one of the girls corrected it to say, "No Teeeeeeenager!" Shoot I'll take it! The alumni vball scrimmage Saturday went well. I shoulda got there sooner to warm up cause it took me way longer than normal to get in the groove. Might of had a small case of nerves. The school definitely has a good team and I hope to keep helping and see them go all the way to state. Sunday I took personal time, also called procrastinating lesson plans, and went to play softball. As it turns out prolly should have made the lesson plan. Sliding into second I tore most of the flesh off of my leg...least I was safe (I know this is where you are asking yourself and the answer is yes...I do in fact take community league ball very seriously.) Staying up last night and completing my rough draft lesson for Wednesday, kids gotta learn about metamorphosis, I began to contemplate what kind of clothes I would be able to wear with my Swiss cheese leg cause we all know injuries and soreness are like one nighters...ALWAYS worse the second day. I opted for a dark colored dress. No amount of dry-fit, cotton, or any other kind of material could have contained the amount of icky my wound let out today. At one point it literally dripped down my leg while teaching. Aside from that little bit of self inflicted torture I can say that today was an AWESOME Monday and yes I will capitalize that because they don't come too often. The kids were on their A -game in the hallways, students that usually take large amounts of time and hassling to complete their work were done first, and there were no signs of Mommy-Pation today. I know this sounds like I stayed in bed all day and continued to dream, but it really did happen. I was even reminded how much of a kid I still am. I was working with one student and he had to state his favorite movie, "Hercules." Without even taking a breathe or thinking twice I squealed, "Me too!" There is nothing about me that wasn't being serious when I said that! Later another student brought me her own personal copy of Junie B. Jones and told me that I could read it! Not only was a super touched by her adorable thoughtfulness I found myself slightly excited to get started. Hey, stop judging. To be a good teacher you need to know what your kids are into and make an effort to show interest as well. In the teacher's lounge I actually talked today during lunch/cracked some jokes. I'm even beginning to think it is cute when the students call me Ms. Sadler. It must be all those cute little lisps. It take me back to when I talked like that. Really thinking about it today and Friday do seem somewhat dream like, but I know there are good days like this. If there weren't teachers would have no passion and soul for what they do and the profession would cease to release it's hidden magic every once and a while.

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