Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Class: Keeping Ficticious Beings Employed!

Ohhhh the items that children bring to school/play with while the teacher is talking (I swear that a book could be written: "101 Things to do with Your Pencil while the Teacher is Talking!"). I was never really into bringing my prized possessions to school. Maybe it was because I was stingy and didn't want to share. None the less I just didn't do it. My students however are firm believers in the opposite. Today I had to hand out bags for earrings, take away a gold chain necklace..again, water bottles, etc. A few weeks ago I had to threaten the confiscation of hand animal puppets. Had I not been so secretly amused I might have. In the big picture though I suppose this is not as important as what my students are losing at school. Yesterday day I had to bloody mouthed kids come up to me smiling because they had pulled their teeth. There are so many first reactions to this: "Don't swallow!" "Don't Touch Me!" "That's Disgusting!" and "I've done better!" But I chose to do what ANY GOOD teacher would do, "Go to the Nurse." Why? Because there is nothing quite like dishing responsibility off on someone else. Especially when there are blood platelets involved. Today one student lost two, another one, and one informed me the tooth fairy should be fired because she did not visit last night. She probably realized her job sucks and went on vacation...I mean giving money for bloody teeth that are not even as big as a pea...what a rip!!! On a total side not my Constitution Lesson went well. I made 20 newspaper hats, "quills", and ink pots last night. We covered the windows and conducted our own Constitutional Convention. We are doing it again tomorrow so hopefully it goes as well. Oh and I did the whole day basically solo because my teacher was at a conference. I am going to be honest with you right now... I LOVED IT!!! The only part that made it not so awesome was the 2 and a half hour staff meeting that happened after the kids got to go home early. I mean what do they expect? Me to work for my paycheck...Oh wait.... All in all I hope the rest of the week goes well!

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