Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Sorry that I have not had the opportunity to share with you the world of Second Grade for quite a few days. Labor Day weekend threw many things off, including my insanity workouts. I guess that is what happens when you go to a Watermelon Festival in the middle of Clyde, Kansas which has no cell repception (make no mistake it was a FANTASTIC time). Small recap: Friday I learned that one of my students eats so much cheese because she wants her hair to stay blond. Are you aware how hard it is not to smile at that? The constipation episode continues but has moved on to a few other students. Please do not confuse this with Mommy-pation. The symptoms may seem similar but the situations I am discussing here are different children with completely impacted bowels. Personally, I say, "NOT FUN!" I was given permission by one of my students to read to her anytime she was done with her work. Thank goodness that happened because what else would I have done without filling that time with personal read-alouds ;> The sad thing of the day was learning that weight bullying starts even younger. I was able to put a stop to it, but for how much longer well..... I was also asked to be the Star of the Week. Yes mom I am still getting that priveledge wven though I am the teacher now. On to more exciting things....Today I survived the first picture day. Between pigtails, high heels, and toothy grins everyone managed to get their photo snapped. The best outfit goes to the young man with the black long sleeve botton up, golden-rod silk vest and matching pants. Did I mention the vest and pants had black pin-stripe? It was style beyond compare. As we took a group picture outside (organizing 800 students for an outdoor picture= death) I discovered if you close your eyes they sound like a flock of geese and that a whistle goes a long way :> Overall the kids did well today and reminded me that they do know how to be adorable. Tomorrow we begin guided reading groups and workshops; not too mention I undergo my first observation from my University Supervisor (dum dum duuuuuum)!

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